I just wonder how long it’s going to take for academia to swing back the other direction. If I’ve seen one TikTok from some sniveling post grad whining about not being hired, I’ve seen a hundred! Let me put it another way. I know quite a few smaller business owners and every one of them has stated they prefer older employees because they’re less trouble. They would rather pay a candidate more and not have to deal with worrying about pronouns and all of the entitlement issues they find in new graduates. Having less college is now a good thing, apparently!

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Great article. Reason for most people was a way to navigate life which focused mostly on the real problems we faced in the moment. Today life is much easier so we are distracted by things our forefathers would never have even considered so we can ignore reason and imagine how tough others have it. I guess it is either our guilt or we need a cause.

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To your point, I grew up in 3rd world countries where life was much more difficult for the populous and you’re right. Life is so easy here. Case in point, who are the Hamas protestors on campus? Pretty much college kids that have no job, no bills, no responsibilities. Mommy and daddy are footing the bill. These kids are searching for meaning in life and will latch on to anything that makes them feel important. By the way, if one of my kids was doing what those kids were/are doing, daddy money bags would dry right up! Bye bye cell phone, bye bye car, bye bye college tuition!

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