As he has been with much of the radical leftist agenda, Joe Biden is one of the most effective (and dangerous) advocates of DEI in government…….He has signed several Executive Orders implementing sweeping diversity standards throughout the Federal Government, no matter the consequences.

Yet another reason to vote for Donald Trump…..

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DEI with regard to ppl wanting a degree in the medical field is truly terrifying. There are other professions as well like pilots. We must all raise our concerns and raise our voices! Thank you for posting! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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DEI and science do not mix...quite frankly, this is just another communist ploy to undermine society. Prove me wrong. Pax

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Right On! These are tricks being used to close down services for human.

FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities.


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The conscription of "science" to assert certainty of political objectives is a hallmark of elitism, exposed dramatically during the Covid panic. Here is another take:


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The plagiarism scandal of recent months is just another arm of the DEI scam. Look, if they’re going this route, why don’t we just eliminate the whole licensing structure for physicians, lawyers, pilots, etc. Certainly wouldn’t be any worse than diversity hires in the control tower or running the nuclear plant!

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I get your point! That seems to be where we are headed but it really can’t happen!!😬

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The quote below is a direct example of mobbing behavior, implemented by the university leadership in an attempt to control and ensure conformity rather than diversity.

“He also mentioned how many grants often required applicants to submit a DEI statement. Anyone who decides to push back may not receive funding and have to look for options elsewhere. In this manner, many people who may be neutral or opposed to DEI may decide to comply to avoid missing out on opportunities or even facing repercussions from the universities.”

Compliance and/or silence is the result of a forced conformance to group think behaviors and the forced compliance leads to the ineffective circular evidence trail that was revealed by the Cass Review.

The resultant harm done from DEI influence is a terrifying prospect and why I am hopeful that we can turn the page and move away from the forced conformity and group think. We owe it to our children.

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